9 Cookies
And that’s what I ate, over the course of an afternoon one day recently. I am nearing the final stage of my departure here at the nest of the past 20 years. My house has gone up on the market and I am on day 25.
As day 23 or so rolled around I had a very interested looker who booked a second showing for the next day. Such excitement in my soul as I cried and thanked God, whoop whoop! I immediately started writing the story in my head, only 20+ days on the market! Wow, this is it!
In preparation for the coveted second visit I shifted into my over the top Martha mode vs. being a Mary and sitting at Jesus’ feet (see my earlier post Martha visits Mary). Funny thing is I can’t go too far over the top as I have given, sold or packed up all the Martha-ing props! But, Publix served me well as I shopped for boujee sugar, organic grass fed half and half, fresh ground coffee and the perfect cookie dough - all those things I never waste money on at the grocery!
It’s funny how our best laid plans blow up in our faces. You’d think I would learn my lesson by now! Wasn’t my prayer walking in the house enough? Wasn’t my anointing the door frames and praying over those that will enter enough? Or how about my huge army of prayer warriors on standby at a moments notice? How was this not enough to have everything covered by our Creator?
The Martha in me appeared for naught - they were a NO-SHOW! I know the hubs is looking down from his Heavenly home and shaking his head accompanied by his infectious laugh.
Introspectively now I ask where did my faith slip off to? If God is my Divine Realtor, then who am I to run around prepping this stage? God is like “Girl I got this!” Yes, He has been in the business of saving us from ourselves for a long time. The “KISS” (Keep it simple silly) theme is where I will rest going forward.
Keep it simple, stay calm, don’t worry, I got this roller coaster you are on in My hands, He’s telling me. Trusting in the unknown is where God does His best work in our lives. It allows Him to take center stage, to get the glory, not us! He has done it time and time again over in my life. This is no different, it’s a house and it will sell in His time and with His orchestration - nothing else.
I will stop eating the cookies, better yet I won’t even make them! They didn’t help me feel any better. Prayer and scripture will do the job of feeding my soul and are way better for my figure.
Here’s to laughing at myself, because our loving God invented humor and I’m sure I give Him plenty of material!
A big warm cookie blessing to you and thanks for the read!