I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time many would say waiting, watching, listening for that still small voice this year. I don’t want to mess this next chapter up.
Tears, Bible open, praying, asking: “Just tell me - just SAY something; tell me I’m doing right or wrong PLEASE”! I know You will answer in Your time, in Your way - but dang, the waiting, the watching is quiet the faith walk.
And then I’m unloading the trunk of my car to get all the stuff for the day, backpack, lunch bag etc out and loaded on myself - the parking lot at work is extremely quiet and I look over to see a gal trudging into the building; how I feel most days of late and an ever so soft voice says “I have SO much more for you” Answer asked, answer given - just had to be ever so patient.
I knew immediately it wasn’t myself trying to talk myself into making it through yet another dreadful day. It was YOU giving me the encouragement, the courage to layer the armor on, to take the next big step. All I felt was this warm joy in my heart! It made my day completely different than all the rest that have come and gone in the past 13 months.
So thank you - for Friday, October 19th because you made my day, and you’re making my life brand new! The following Monday morning I gave my retirement notice at the perfect, God ordained day and time. Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness, your loving hold on my life. I would be in the gutter without it!
“Be patient…see how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth…you also be patient. Establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord is at hand.” (James 5:7-9)
Thank you for being here.