Peace Please

Finding peace in the storm seems to be what we are all searching for right about now.  Who would think that my first blog post would be in the midst of a pandemic?  Life can’t get too much stranger than that, right?

As I think about some of our great Bible stories related to storms – there was usually one brewing or our forefathers were in one – that’s just how God likes to make His entrance into our stories if necessary!  Calming the waters of our lives.  It certainly isn’t going to be instantaneously this time but it will be memorable as we are restored to normalcy at some point in the future, in HIS time.

Is that what the world is learning now?  God’s time?  I do hope we are all realizing that we are not in charge, there is a higher authority.  I don’t know I can only speak for myself but I am clinging to the Word like I never have before.  My email box is filling up every morning with devotionals that I have subscribed to and I find myself reading and contemplating, praying and just sitting in His presence a whole lot more.

It’s really amazing to see what you can do with extra time once there is no longer a daily mind numbing commute to deal with every day.  I’m trying to have my breakfast with the Champion, God Himself.

I’m finding a lot of references to Psalm 91 during this time and honestly, I don’t remember any of the “zinger” verses coming from this chapter.  But the few that have become so relevant in this time are:

Psalm 91:  2-4:  My refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust, …He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence…under His wings you will find refuge

My all time favorite out of this chapter for sure now is this one:

Psalm 91:  9-10:  Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place….no evil shall be allowed to befall you no plague come near your tent.

What comfort these words bring to me these days.  I love that the Father is going to protect me and mine in our tent!  Just love that –

Find yourselves a bit restored today –


Restoring A Tired Slip Cover