
My goal with this blog was not only to have a space I could call my own but also a place to coherently tie together thoughts, emotions, observations (hindsight mostly), and of course a visual storage unit for my many valiant efforts at creating and crafting things and spaces.

I also wanted to have a lens to view my faith through all the above. It’s my faith that grounds me, that gives me the solid ground at the bottom of the holes I tend to dig myself into throughout life. So, my overall goal was to be relative. In a way that YOU can relate, can make a faith walk a little more real, not so distant not so “not for me” or “I’m not good enough for this”… or “I’ve just done so much so wrong for so long”. Because I’ve had those doubts; faith is a continuum in my life however, with ebbs and flows.

But, isn’t that Jesus’ story? I’m reflecting on my pastor’s teaching today and it was the garden in Gethsemane chapter of the Easter journey. The pain, the heartbreak, the dread, the absolute aloneness Jesus felt that night. And in the end, His submission to obedience to His father.

Could my faith sustain something like this I wonder to myself? I’m not sure, my absolute weakness and most probably submission to temptation to go the easy route MIGHT take over. Jesus was constantly harassed to go the easy route, to call on the legions of angels to swoop in and do the hard work for Him. Satan did not make his life easy here on Earth. That is EXACTLY what we experience… the ebbs and flows of our faith. I’m awestruck that this is how He meant it to be for Himself even though He didn’t have to - He is the Prince of Princes after all, remember that. But He came to walk among us and experience this world as we would. He KNEW. He knew it would be hard that there would be ups and downs, heartbreak, loneliness, desperation, rejection.

But, He did it all just for YOU. That’s how you make faith relative to your life; remembering that truth.

As we head closer to Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday may this week give you pause to reflect on the cross. The cross that cost the Prince of Princes SO much, but then again why He did it is the important point. He did so much that weekend so long ago that most of us probably will never be asked to sacrifice in such a manner. But if we are, rest in the peace that He has been there, He will be beside you and He will restore you.

The scriptures my pastor referenced in his teaching today:

  1. Matthew 26:31-46 - Gethsemane

  2. For the rest of the Easter story:

    • Matthew 26: 47-75

    • Matthew chapters 27 & 28

May this Easter give a new beginning to you.

Blessings, Rhonda


In Between Day


Resurrection Garden