
It’s not about them. Easter is not about bunnies. So what is Easter, if not? It is the day our living Savior defeated death, Resurrection Sunday! A new beginning for all of humanity.

Click back 3 days earlier - Friday. The cross had to happen to have the resurrection.

The torture, the scourging. He was a prisoner arrested on false charges. The Romans were known for their cruel and inhumane treatment when it came to torturing their prisoners. He endured this for you and me. He knew what was going to happen. Remember the story or, if you don’t know - the agonizing all night prayer vigil in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before. He sweated blood as He prayed to be delivered from the impending suffering of the days ahead.

He defeated death after the most cruel and inhumane treatment - scourging, the whipping by strips of leather that have small pieces of bone or metal on the ends. Invented to tear flesh away from the bone on it’s victim. Dragging His huge, heavy cross up the mountain to Calvary. Nails hammered into His wrists, into His feet, a crown of sharp thorns jammed into his skull, hanging there and then the final blow of a spear plunge into His side.

He did this for you and me. He’s alive today because He defeated this horrible death and arose from His tomb on Day 3!

Believe in Him not the bunny. Don’t waste the greatest sacrifice humanity has ever been gifted. Accept Him as your Savior.

“If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son but gave him up for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:31-32)




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