The Next Turn

I’ve always been told “the safest place to be is in the center of God’s will”…. Is it though? Is our life here on Earth as believers to be spent being “safe”? As I ask the “God what is Your will for my life?” question lately it looks messy. It looks scary. It has risks.

For me this quest can be equated to being lost in a jungle and trying to find my way out. It is complicated. But, is this me over thinking?

I’m burdened by all the “mis-steps” my life owns at this point and would really like to head into my sunset years on the right path, on God’s path. I’m a planner, I like checklists, I like maps, I like seeing and knowing where I’m going. I am generally not a risk taker.

I am on the cusp of a new season in my life so my conversations with God are full of these questions lately. I don’t trust myself to make the life altering decisions that lay ahead on my own.

And here’s my dilemma: Where does my trust lie, in my paycheck? In my comfy routine and my well-appointed home? What am I willing to gamble, willing to give up on the balance sheet of my comfort zone?

I’ve always heard “When you take the first step in faith then God will open the door”… Is this true? Ewe… how I don’t like that! But wait… isn’t that how FAITH works? A part of me would rather have the thing happen to me, then pray, then let God help me re-group!

It’s different when you know you are at a cross road and it’s time to make the decision. So here’s the question: God, do I keep going straight on the road I’m on or do I make THE turn? And while You’re at it, could you tell me WHEN? These are big asks. I will need to own the outcome, but the the process of getting there can be overwhelming.

So my ask of you is to keep me in your prayers. Pray for my discernment, my diligence in prayer and my pride to stay in check that it doesn’t become about what I think God’s plan is but of letting Him show me. Pray for my waiting, my listening and His timing.

Recently a friend posted a sweet reminder of God’s unfailing promise to take care of us, His kids. She had a picture of bird on a wintry morning perched in tree and said this: “She sits outside my window, her tiny face towards the wind and the rain. She does not waver, she does not fear, she is calm and is trusting her creator.” I loved this, was just what I needed. Thank you friend, and her scripture reference:

Matthew 6:26 NIV - “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

This is just one verse from a beautiful chapter in the Bible found in Matthew of God promising us that He’s got this and He’s got us! If you’re searching today I would encourage you to open a Bible and take a read. Or click the link below to access the Bible online:




The Offering


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