I can do hard things
This phrase caught my attention the other day and I immediately liked it, even contemplated ordering it on a t-shirt… might still do just that. However, it did lead my thoughts to another place - Can I do hard things? I think I can - but can’t we all? It’s really not a new or special concept. I think we all do what we have to do when presented the moment. (All that would make for a really wordy t-shirt!) But on to my point….I KNOW I can do all things in HIM! Praise the Lord that HE is always there! This is His promise to me, to all who believe! What a great thing - Philippians 4:13 says so! Not only does God promise we can do all things through Him (not just hard things, btw) but that he will strengthen me as I’m going about this doing. So, listen closely - He gives me courage AND He strengthens me! That is an AMEN for sure!! But think about it, isn’t that better than ME doing hard things or trying in my own humanness? If I’m doing it with Christ’s help, (here’s the catch) AND it’s His will….I’m doing the right thing; on the right track if you will. But how do you know your “track”, your life path, your right track? You won’t know this without knowing HIM, without prayer, without time with our Creator - let that sink in - Whatever you believe, you know deep in your being that you were created, you wouldn't be here, okay. So you have a Creator & He’s waiting to guide & direct you but without that intimacy of a relationship through prayer & quiet time, along with digging into your Bible; it’s going to be hard to do all things through HIM, to find your path. You must ask & seek & it’s that simple. It’s not an easy place to be in His will, on His path. It involves tough things at times, discipline, sacrifice, courage & even relentlessness but it’s the most rewarding relationship you could ever desire. And guess what? The best thing is that He, your Creator is waiting for you to make that choice to come around…. Yes, He knows you. He knows when you were formed in your mother’s womb, He knows how many hairs are on your head, He knows the plans He has for you (another promise btw….). And He loves you so much that He gives you the choice to decide seek Him or not. So why not get to the business of doing all the things, the hard, the ugly, the easy through Him? He’s waiting for you -
Here’s the verses I referenced earlier -
Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and nor for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
ESV (English Standard Version)
Peace & Blessings on you & yours, until the next time, Rhonda