Life’s Unexpected Turns
I’m on a road that arrived abruptly on my path about 20 years earlier than expected. My spouse of 32 years passed away this past fall….so life as I knew it took a turn.
The picture I’ve posted is his home office that I have finally completed the packing up of. This was his space for the 19 years we have lived in our home. What it will become next, I’m not sure…. it’s just odd to see it smack empty!
I’ve taken this photo to remind me of the contemplation my daily life seems to be intertwined with these days. Every step seems over burdened with lots of “think about” moments…. now that it’s just me. There’s no one to bounce ideas off, no one to tell me whether I’m out of my gourd or if I’m on track, sounds like a great idea, what should I do - etc…!!!
Don’t get me wrong, I know God’s got this for sure. There’s just a missing element when you no longer have your person with whom you’ve bounced ideas off of for half of your life, here.
Am I finally getting my legs underneath me as I free fall through life lately? Not sure, but at least I feel like writing once again…. and maybe ready to turn the page for the quintessential “next chapter”.
I am slowly getting to a place where I can reflect on what life gave me, what I had but not with regret, with a thankful heart of what I experienced and allowing that to be wind beneath my wings to fly even higher!
To the man who I was a mom with and the Dad that he was, I can’t help but say “Cheers to you today, hubs…. we miss you!”
Happy Mother’s Day - cherish your now moments,