After selling, giving, donating and what’s left has been disbursed to storage, sister’s and parent’s homes the physical remnants are no longer looking at me everyday. There is a level of freedom and relief from the vantage point I find myself at today.
The stages of departure have been at times complex. So much so my collection of notebooks for tracking and now a full blown paper calendar have kept my feet to the fire.
Doing hard things alone is neither easy or fun. The waves of overwhelm-ness brought me to my knees many times over the past 20 months. There is no instruction book for this. Gut and grit with prayer was all I knew to do. The cry, the pray, and then do became the response to all the curve balls and hurdles I’ve overcome.
I mentioned being alone, but only physically - the spiritual realm was always a breath away. I felt God’s hand on my shoulder, beside me, He went before me and behind me. Yes and the blessing of family and dear friends, some of which are my neighbors.
It has taken a team to get this girl up and going and on her way. But it was a team that was chosen only by God. He orchestrated from the spiritual realm a team that could only have come together by His grace and love for His daughter, me.
“Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!” (Excerpt from the doxology written by Thomas Ken, 1674.)