Season of Awe

It’s that time of year. A time to reflect that You are the reason for this Season and without You this Season would not exist. You became man to walk among us - to be with us simply because You loved us. You left Your kingdom, a throne, a perfect life for us. Unfathomable - Your love for us; in no one else can we find that kind of love.

Angels, Kings, a manger, barn animals, kids for parents - it’s hard to wrap our brain around. An exercise of trust and faith in the unseen starts at the beginning of our personal faith walk to accept the story.

But that’s how God meant it to be - He didn’t want ordinary, His specialty is the unexpected. Dial back the ages… put yourself in that time slot so long ago… people were desperate, they were looking for a KING, the robes, the crown, the entourage…. but no - that was not the plan. God tested our faith right from the beginning. As if He’s saying, “Trust Me I’ve got this”.

Only the author of authenticity could do this! The Creator of the Universe providing a gateway too simple for some to accept. They were all looking for more - more grandeur, more of what the world portrayed as royalty. But Heaven had a different script.

This is our faith heritage. The stories, the experiences, woven into the lives of those that came before this moment - the prophets had been telling the world that You were on Your way.

Your arrival was timed perfectly. The stars placed in the sky by The Creator guiding that night, placing all the players perfectly.

Yes, I’m in AWE - the story never gets old for me. I continue to look at it from different perspectives - as a mom - could I have done what Mary did at the age of 15? She was the same as us - scared but brave; young but mature; willing but hesitant; all those emotions - but trust and faith carried her through. The same God that provided a way for Mary and Joseph so long ago to procreate the lineage of David through the promised Savior is there for us now.

Every time I examine this story I discover a small detail I never thought of before. It continues to unfold year after year. Maybe it’s because the further detachment my heart makes from this current world, I am seeing things differently.

That’s my AWE, my spiritual heritage - these are my people. My desire is to live in a manner that is worthy of their faith, of their sacrifices, of their obedience.

You loved me before I knew You. Enough to walk among us for a few years, to become human and learn what breaks our hearts, to feel our sacrifices, to experience our pain and suffering, our pride, our selfishness. How else could You know what’s best for us?

Yes, I’m in awe of You, the story, the humble beginning. May my life, my path I’m walking be worthy of Your sacrifice, Your suffering.

The precious journey that seemingly began so innocently, as a baby, the manger, that ended so violently - the cross, our symbol that sums it all. No crib for a bed and the old rugged cross - for us.

The following scriptures I’ve referenced in my post are from the New International Version translation of the Bible:

  1. John 1:14 - The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, and the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the father, full of grace and truth.

  2. John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

  3. Galatians 4:4 - 5 - But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption.

    Use the link below to explore these and more references in the Bible:

  1. Matthew 1:18 - 23

  2. Luke 2:7-14

  3. Bible online




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Hard Gratitude