Mr. Walmart Man

I just needed chocolate to dip the strawberries, that’s all…I could’ve gone to Publix, it’s the same distance from my house as Walmart but this day I chose Walmart…

There you were huddled by the grocery entrance with your sweet dog. The both of you curled up together to stay warm and protect each other from the nasty wet rainy day. I’m sure I’ve seen you there before, I can’t remember. But, this day was different.

I’m not sure what came over me…I started crying as I passed by you and entered Walmart. I couldn’t stop… my heart was breaking for you, Mr. Walmart Man and your precious pup. You are someone’s somebody… you are someone’s son, uncle, brother, maybe husband or father. You have a story. I don’t know how you ended up huddled at the door of my Walmart but I want you to know I SEE you. I’m not going to ignore you. Not this day, not again.

So as I gathered my chocolate, I knew I needed to add a few more things to my basket. But what? Where do I begin? Make sure it’s something easy to open… Should the drinks be cold, or would a hot coffee be better? What’s healthy? What won’t spoil? What about the dog, what does he need? I almost called my sister…help! I should’ve prayed, maybe I did…can’t remember! I knew this needed to be more than the goody bags we assembled every year for mission trips. I felt Your leading me God, and I wanted to do right by You. I had stop overthinking - “Just go and do girl!”, I finally told myself.

Then it hit me, I remembered reading a story about an outreach program that focuses on socks. The number one item most asked for by shelters were socks. There’s where my list began. Next, a quick trip down the snack aisle and then I was off to the pet department. These few measly things should help both of them make it through the day I thought.

I must have picked the slowest line in the store as it took over 20 minutes to get through and pay! I started to panic, what if he's gone by the time I get outside? What will I do with the stuff I’ve gotten him? How will I find him again?

I hurried towards the door and spotted both of them in the same spot. I don’t know why I was nervous. I didn’t want to do something disrespectful or to make Mr. Walmart Man embarrassed. As I rolled my basket towards them and picked up the shopping bag I’d packed for them, I saw his kind blue eyes and my heart broke again. His precious pup even got up to greet me as I got closer! I simply handed my measly little bag of stuff and said “Merry Christmas”.

As I walked away the tears began to stream again. It’s as if the bag just wasn’t enough and I felt silly for such a meager offering. How can these things help? And darn - I should’ve said I would pray for him!

I may never know if he liked the snacks and drinks I picked out or if his dog could use the new blanket. I will never know if there was something more pertinent that both of them needed besides the things I placed in the bag… but what I do want Mr. Walmart Man to know is that I see him and I’m praying for him and I am going to be on the lookout for him from now on.

But the story doesn’t end here… the next day as I get in my car, I notice it’s covered in something nasty from being parked under the trees. As I’m running errands, I feel the tug on my heart to head to the car wash. So I start my conversation with God. You see, I will have to pass Walmart to get to the car wash. I tell God “I just gave Mr. Walmart Man something yesterday, really You want me to find him again?” And I’m not sure why I’m talking to the Creator of the Universe as if he was my neighbor… Who am I to question a divine command? Little too much human nature and not enough faithful obedience! Sorry, my bad and God I promise to do better, from now on!

As I pass the Walmart, I stretch my gaze to check the porch of the entrance to catch a glimpse of him. There are too many cars in my way. I can’t see a thing. I’ll do a drive by coming back from the car wash and then who knows?

I turn into the car wash and as God would have it there he is! Mr. Walmart Man is across the road, tucked into a safe spot in the grass. Now I have the plan, wash the car - go next door to Zaxby’s and as I circle back around I’ll be on the same side of the road as Mr. Walmart Man to do a quick stop with the food!

A quick dash in and out of Zaxby’s, food in hand, I find myself hoping he hasn’t moved! Thankfully, I find them in the same spot. I park in front of him and the sweet pup. They both stand and walk towards me as if to greet and welcome me to their space. Mr. Walmart Man’s hands were shaky but he was smiling and his face looked so peaceful in the afternoon sun. I handed him the food and said something stupid, like “Would you like some chicken?” He thanked me and I said “Merry Christmas” again.

As I walked back to the car, I did a turn around, walked back to him and asked “My name is Rhonda, what’s yours?” He answered, “Ray, my name is Ray.” I said “It’s very nice to meet you Ray and I’m going to be praying for you.” He smiled and thanked me, I patted the sweet dog’s head and turned back to my car and waved as I drove away.

I didn’t feel like crying this time, but I do wonder what else God will have me do on this little mission field He’s brought to my attention just around the corner from my house.

You may never read this, but I’m praying for you Ray and your sweet pup. I pray for protection, a way out for you to something more comfortable, something better perhaps? I’m not sure what else to pray right now except I hope you know my Jesus and if you don’t I am certain I will find out from you soon. So, Merry Christmas Ray, God loves you and He sees you!




Color Block - A Guest Room Refresh


Season of Awe