
She and her family prayed to make a way for the future. Her heart’s desire was to be in the States, to try her wings away from the nest in her far away country. How would she get started what would be the first steps? After all she’s only 20.

And on the fringe of the pandemic, how do you pick up and continue normal life? How do you do your 20-something self? These things would be daunting under normal circumstances and while intercontinental travel lacks the accessibility it once had - moving intercontinentally is a whole different ballgame.

So, you pray and you start with the plan and faith allows you to take one step after another after another.

I’ve known many missionaries so far in my life time and I see it over and over as their littles become bigs and want to strike out on their own, usually back here in the states. From a family whose entire life’s work has been to serve our Father in a far away place, on a mission field that’s challenging, how do the kids make a way for themselves outside of that bubble? This is a huge undertaking for the entire family. But in this story, I was granted the humbling honor to participate in showering our little bird with some blessings; for that I am thankful to have a teeny small part in the journey.

Faithfully and prayerfully, that’s how it starts. God knows the hearts of not only those who serve Him in such an all in, sacrificial way but of their kids…. He KNOWS, He HEARS. And then the way becomes clearer - prayers are answered, first for shelter - shelter EXACTLY the way you pray for it - a small apartment in the basement of a family home. Requests are made to our Father, all prayer warriors circle the throne, where can our little bird land that will be safe but still allow her to develop her independence? God KNOWS, God HEARS - a dear friend has just purchased a home only a few months earlier and has a basement apartment for our little bird.

And then we are all awestruck! Wow God, You are amazing!! But God KNEW and God HEARD, and BTW that’s what He’s in the business of doing! I’m sure He’s like - “This is what you asked me for, I hear your prayers and of course I’m going to answer because I LOVE YOU!” But it is always super cool to watch Him knit a story. And this is what I’m writing about. This is not a stand alone miracle of things being requested on one side of the globe and answered and orchestrated on the other. This is family, this is God’s family - each and everyone of us learning of a request and not holding back on answering the call. And this is how God meant for it to work - that is the plan - to love one another as Jesus has loved us.

The prayers continue, bringing the requests to the throne, and the blessings continue to flow.

The car, a phone, the bedroom is completely furnished suddenly, kitchen table and chairs, sofa, dishes, towels, rugs, kitchen supplies…..Other “loving as Jesus with skin on” actions create a cozy nest for our little bird to call her home. That need we all have to curl up and claim our little spot to call home has now been provided for our little bird. She will need to do nothing but show up!

And so our little bird’s story has just started but the impact of God’s favor, blessings, bringing all of us around her, encircling her with love, prayers and guidance will impact her for the rest of her life! What a testimony she has of God’s provision, of God showing up right when she needed Him - I can’t wait to see how He writes her next chapter!

The best part of the story is that all of this is for all of us - when He says ask and you will receive those aren’t just words on paper in a book called the Bible; those are PROMISES - promises made and promises kept to those who believe. It’s there for you as well. So if you’ve been having trouble accepting and believing the fact that there is a God and that He cares about you and that it’s hard to wrap your head and heart around this thing called faith - I’ve got a family in a faraway country that would love to tell you about their little bird who found a new nest.

Blessings - Rhonda

Here are the scriptures I referred to in the post above and I am quoting the Bible from the New International Version (NIV).

  1. John 13:34 - ”A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

  2. John 16:24 -”Ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete.”




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