Accidental Beauty
I have recently moved my office to my favorite room in my home that faces the front yard and South west…. This Spring was the first season for me to experience this view
It has reminded me that God is making all things new… so let me clarify what my window view has to do with th
I’m a gardener by DNA…. I grew up reluctantly picking strawberries, green beans, tomatoes etc… in my Dad’s annual garden and thus helped prep it all for my Mom’s annual canning process. (Those were the days, right?) Honestly, growing up I didn’t realize that summer was for anything else outside of gardening, catching lightening bugs, s’mores around a bonfire and staying up late because there was no school.
Now that you have the context, let me tell you about what the Lord in His infinite wisdom is allowing me to witness out of my own “picture window”… that’s also what we always called the big window in the living room of my parent’s home.
I’ve randomly planted on the hill that cascades down my front yard… And had no idea I was working along side Mother Nature in the process. When it comes to decorating or planting I’m usually “winging it”…
First came the beautiful pink Azeleas right under my window - the big beautiful billowy blossoms here to greet me everyday.
Next were the japanese iris purple - along with my pink glide roses popping up.
Now as the azeleas have hibernated, the iris have faded the glide roses are in all their glory soaking up the hot humid Georgia spring weather.
My view this week changed to see the upcoming blooms of my lillies, lavendar and next up will be the cone flower.
In the background, my star of the show - the sun friendly hydrangas and along the shady corners of my front bed are the shade loving version of this same plant.
It’s my floral orchestra. Each one appearing on cue… and this wasn’t planned is the hilarious thing, I’m all about color and when I had the house painted Agave green almost a decade ago, I was disappointed to see how all the evergreen shrubs looked against that color.
So I set out to dig all the builder gifted shrubs in front of our house and it has been a process, I don’t know if my orchestra has always been this beautiful or in my more contemplative state lately, I’m noticing.
My office should have been here all along, I realize that now! And oh how it sings to my soul now just when I need it.
The icing on the cake will be a bird feeder in the middle of my “picture window”
But as the colors unfold, it’s such a pleasant surprise to see what is popping out… what I made unknowingly - my healing garden of sorts!
I can’t help but think of each unveiling to be like the peeling back of a layer of despair with each new bloom that pops out. Thank you God for the beauty sprinkled around me, may I take the time to appreciate what You’ve done for me!