The Detail
He is in it all, all the way to the bones. That’s God I’m talking about btw- He’s providing a way each day - So many times, we want to ask God why; to even go so far to BLAME God for our circumstances. That is so unfair.
This earthly realm fell when Adam & Eve sinned & went against God’s perfect plan. His GIFT to them was CHOICE & they made the wrong one. Instead of God turning His back & walking away, throwing His hands up, giving up - He made a WAY for us to return to HIM, to be in communion with Him, to have a relationship with our CREATOR - our SAVIOR!
Don’t think all this is “magic” or take it so for granted that your blind or numb to THE DETAIL. He made a way by the physical sacrifice on the cross of His one and only Son-Jesus. This is the THE DETAIL YOU CANNOT MISS! Don’t assume all this life is happen stance - He is all knowing, all seeing and wiser than we can ever fanthom.
So yes, am I heartbroken for me & my boy? YES!!! My precious son that will grow through his young adult years without his father-his best friend-to ask those life questions: “Dad-should I trade my truck?”; “Dad-what about those Vols! Did you see that game??”; “Dad-how do I ask her to marry me?-How did you ask mom?”; That is a piece missing from the story that can’t be replaced here on Earth, not even by me.
But we pick up, rise up & ask “What now God, what do we do next?” I’m looking to Him, leaning into Him & being still & listening for that small voice; that moment where He’s opening a door & the choice is given. The decision will be evident when He provides THE DETAIL of our next step.
He is making a way just like He did so long ago - in the beginning. And hang on my sweet boy we are like the Phoenix - we WILL rise from the ashes and it will be beautiful!
He promised this and it says in Scripture:
“He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted…to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those who mourn in Zion-to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit…” (Isaiah 61:1-3).
We will say goodbye in due time to the ashes! Thank you for being here -